Transportation - Bus Building and Office

  • Year Built
  • Square Footage
  • Replacement Cost
  • Condition Budget
  • Facility Condition Index
Condition Assessment
System Rating Score
  • Good

  • Fair

    (or will require attention in near future 3-10 years)

  • Poor

    (or will require attention now 0-2 years)


Exterior Structure: Repaint exterior of bus building.
Foundation: No issues observed or reported.
Parking/Traffic: Pave gravel parking lot. Add appropriate parking and ADA spaces.
Site: Install additional exterior light fixtures.
Doors: Refinish exterior doors and update door hardware to meet ADA compliance.
Exterior/Interior Windows: Replace windows with energy efficient double pane.
Roof: Area 1: Bus Building - The roof is in poor condition and is showing signs of age and oxidation. The roof should be replaced and trees trimmed away from the roof. The roof should be inspected annually and after every significant weather event to maintain effectiveness. Since this facility was inspected it has been reported that the roof has been replaced in April of 2023. Area 2: Bus Office and Storage - The roof is in good condition. The soffit of the office should be repaired. The roof should be inspected annually and after every significant weather event to maintain effectiveness.


Interior Structure: Repaint interior wall finishes. Repaint interior ceiling finishes.
Plumbing: N/A
ADA: Transportation facility is not compliant with ADA. Additional ADA parking spaces, parking signage, accessible signage, accessible restroom, door thresholds, and door hardware is needed.
Furnishing, Fixtures, Equipment: Accessories are needed to meet ADA compliance in restroom.
Electrical: Building mechanical systems 30 years of age or older should be closely inspected and repaired or replaced per report. Update lighting to LED fixtures.
Safety/Security: See Safety & Security recommendations on the Facility Details page.
Flooring: No issues observed or reported.
HVAC: Replace HVAC system components beyond useful life expectancy.

Priority Projects

  • See Safety & Security recommendations on the Facility Details page.
  • Replace HVAC system components beyond useful life expectancy.
  • Bus garage roof appears to be original and shows signs of significant corrosion and should be replaced.
  • Repair soffit of office.
  • Transportation facility is not compliant with ADA; Additional ADA parking spaces, parking signage, accessible signage, accessible restroom, door thresholds, and door hardware is needed.
  • Install additional exterior light fixtures.
  • Building mechanical systems 30 years of age or older should be closely inspected and repaired or replaced per report.
  • Refinish exterior doors and update door hardware to meet ADA compliance.

Additional Projects, if Funds Become Available

  • Cleanup
  • Repaint exterior of bus building.
  • Repaint interior wall finishes.
  • Repaint interior ceiling finishes.
  • Pave gravel parking lot; add appropriate parking and ADA spaces.
  • Update lighting to LED fixtures.
  • Replace windows with energy efficient double pane.
Educational Adequacy Assessment
System Rating Score
  • Adequate Spaces

  • Needs Improvement

  • Not Adequate

Core Classrooms:
Visual and Performing Arts:
Occupant Flow: Occupant flow appears adequate.
Security: See Safety & Security recommendations on the Facility Details page.
Site Playgrounds/Extra Curricular:
Special Education:
Physical Education:
Administration: Administrative space appears adequate.

Actions to Improve the Educational Environment

This facility serves as the transportation facility which supports the education of students.